iOS: Physical Keyboard Support and Macros




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    Randon Eliason

    Very Helpful.  However [Alt]+[Tab] does not seem to be supported [application swapping in windows]

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    Steve Ause

    I have an Apple Blue Tooth Keyboard for my iPad.  Is "alt" accomplished with shift-option?  In any event, using shift-option-Fkey, it doesn't seem to go through.


    How do I send an F key to my remote system?

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    Jump Desktop Support

    @Randon: Alt+Tab does is currently unsupported, but try using Shift+Ctrl+Left Arrow and Shift+Ctrl+Right Arrow

    @Steve: The Alt key is the same as the Option key. Function keys are Shift+Alt+Numeric number of the F key. For example, F1 is Shift+Alt+1 (it's NOT Shift+Alt+F1). 

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    Shift-Alt-2 does not give me F2 (file rename) on a Win7 desktop.
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    Ed Seidenberg

    Shift-Alt-2 doesn't seem to work for me either.  Any known fixes available?

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    Jump Desktop Support

    @Ed, @Larry we're looking into this.

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    Peter Zemturis
    hello this comment conserns both bluethoot keyboards aswell as the screenkeyboard. I type in another language then English and those letters that i use dosent work, (åäö). How do I make them work?!?
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    Peter Zemturis
    Just notet that I wrote my question in the wrong category, Sorry for that (but I do would like an answer)
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    Jump Desktop Support

    @Peter - you might be connecting over a VNC connection. We have an  update planned that'll fix these issues with VNC connections. If you'd like to help beta test the fixes please send mail to: and ask to join the iOS beta test group.

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    Ed Seidenberg
    Shift+Alt+G doesn't seem to be returning the correct sequence for Ctrl-G. Please advise. Thanks.
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    Jaroslav Hruška | DATA3S

    Does anybody have a tip why Cmd+C, Cmd+V and Cmd+A do not work? The only working shortcut is Cmd+X. 


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    Roy Smith
    The Application I use needs Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, Ctrl-6 and F2 and F6 to work. Currently on the keyboard alt-shift-6 generates F6 and I cannot generate the others. My bluetooth keyboard (ZAGGfolio) has a ctrl key - but it isn't recognized. Roy
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    Are all bluetooth keyboards created equally with respect to this functionality or is there particularly important additional functionality one needs to look for when purchasing?  I am looking to buy one and I am sure JUMP will be the main App that I will end up using it for - I want to make sure I get the most functional one!  Thanks

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    Greg Priest-Dorman
    Please add a keyboard shortcut to remove the display of the special keys (esc, alt, arrows etc shown along the bottom of the screen) as these are not needed when a bt keyboard is used or better yet, If a bt keyboard is detected don't show that by default. Alternatively, have a set up option to not show this by default.
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    Gene Chua
    Please add cmd+z (undo) and cmd+r (redo) shortcuts... and also, any ETA on when alt+tab will work? I know there's cmd+shift+arrow workaround, but alt+tab is just so universal that it's hard to adjust. Otherwise, great app!
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    Gene Chua
    I RDP into my windows machine at work, and from there I have many ssh terminal sessions open to various linux servers. However, I can't seem to use some of the most common cli navigation keyboard shortcuts like: would it be possible to add the following, which are standard unix cli text navigation: CTRL + B Moves the cursor backward one character. CTRL + C Cancels the currently running command. CTRL + D Logs out of the current session. CTRL + F Moves the cursor forward one character. CTRL + H Erase one character. Similar to pressing backspace. CTRL + P Paste previous line(s). CTRL + S Stops all output on screen (XOFF). CTRL + Q Turns all output stopped on screen back on (XON). CTRL + U Erases the complete line. CTRL + W Deletes the last word typed in. For example, if you typed 'mv file1 file2' this shortcut would delete file2. CTRL + Z Cancels current operation, moves back a directory or takes the current operation and moves it to the background. See bg command for additional information about background.
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    When you hold down a key on the bluetooth keyboard, does it broadcast that you are holding it, or just spam key presses? Other apps I've used just repeatedly send that im tapping the key a bunch instead of holding it. For example for many games, holding 'w' will move forward.

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    Jump Desktop Support

    @Greg The keys are not normally shown with a bluetooth keyboard unless you manually recalled them by pressing the keyboard bottom on the top left. Just keep the keyboard hidden and use the bluetooth keyboard normally - you won't see the top layer.

    @Gene: Jump Desktop 5.0 (upcomming release) has full support for all keyboard shortcuts including Alt+Tab and all CTRL shortcuts

    @Tom: Tom right now it will send the keystroke repeatedly. 

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    Jump Desktop Support


    Just an update to everyone subscribing to this thread. Jump Desktop 5.0 has been released and it supports every key on the bluetooth keyboard including modifiers. Everything should work like a normal computer's keyboard.  We've also added Macro support for keyboard that don't have certain keys (see the above article) 

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    Scott Wells

    I'm curious as to what key can be used to send ESC on a keyboard such as the Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover and the Luvvitt Ultrathin Keyboard Cover.  The top-left key on those keyboards returns to the iPad home screen.  If there's not a physical ESC key, is it possible to add a macro to perform ESC?  That's a very important key for me, particularly in IDEs, and these ultrathin keyboard covers are definitely the most attractive options to me vs. a free-floating BT keyboard that I have to lug along separately.

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    Jan Doms

    I've been trying out the android app on my asus transformer (with the attached dock).

    The keyboard modifiers work great, in this regard Jump Desktop is definitely the best android vnc app I've found!

    The only thing that keeps it from being perfect (for me) is support for multiple modifiers at the same time (such as Ctrl-Shift-P or Alt-Shift-L etc...), are there any plans to support this? That would be really usefull for working in IDEs (and other 'complex' short cut demanding applications).

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    Scott Wells

    For what it's worth, I was able to use AutoHotkey to remap keys so that my Logitech Ultrathin keyboard provides a REALLY nice experience when accessing my Windows 8 home and work machines.  In particular I swapped Alt/Option and Win/Command so that they are where you'd expect on a Windows-style keyboard; F1-F12 are accessible via Win+1...Win+0, Win+MINUS, and Win+EQUALS; ESC is sent as Win+ENTER; Delete is sent as Shift+Backspace.  I'll probably keep tweaking this as I find things I need mapped, but between having a fully-accessible keyboard and Jump Desktop's great support for Windows 8 multi-touch input, I finally feel like I have very usable portable terminal for my Windows workstations!

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    Werner Donné
    I would like to be able to edit the macro list and add Ctrl-[ -> ESC to it. On a Logitec Ultrathin Keyboard Cover the escape key is also the key that switches to the home screen. The escape is sent to the app and is then followed by the switch to the home screen. I'm sure othe keyboards have other issues. With an editble macro list we can fix them ourselves.
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    I have been using Jump on my iPad with the remote apple keyboard for a while now but after the most recent upgrades have been running into problems.  Most significantly, the arrow keys do not work at all.  It also looks as though Alt+shift+\ has been replaced with shift+backspace - correct?

    I am still running iOS 5; might that be causing a problem?

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    Jump Desktop Support

    @Werner: Thanks for the feedback. We'll try to add this in the next major update.

    @Header: We've tested keyboard support on iOS 5.0 and it still works as far I we can tell. Can you try restarting your device? Also - which keyboard are you using? Also Are you refereing to the 'Delete' key shortcut? If so, it's Shift+Backspace now.

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    Ah the classic 'reboot the system'!  :)

    It worked of course!

    Many thanks!

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    Kelvin Nilsen

    I just installed Jump Desktop on my Kindle Fire HD. Works great, and I love the experience.

    One problem though.  Alt-tab switches android tasks rather than the Windows tasks.  This article seems to suggest that it should switch the Windows tasks.  What am I doing wrong?  Can you make this an option in the Jump Desktop settings, to select whether it switches Android or Windows tasks?



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    Gregory G
    Hello I cannot enter some special characters same these : ~÷\± via RDP, the alt command show winword menu
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    Dragos Bogdan

    Hello. I have a Zagg Cover Keyboard for iPad Air and unfortunattely F1, F2, F3, F4 Macros are not working. F5, F6, F10, F11 macros are working fine. Can you please help?

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    I am using a Logitech Keyboard Folio with an iPad 4th generation running iOS 9.2. My problem is with getting PageUp and PageDown commands to go through to a Windows Terminal Server session. Your web site says that CTRL+Up should pass PageUp, and CTRL+Down should pass PageDown through to the server. When I use either of those commands, nothing results except that I stop being able to type any characters, although mouse functionality is intact. A 3-finger tap on the screen shows that the onscreen CTRL button has been activated. Tapping that button restores the ability to type characters. Any thoughts?
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