If you're having trouble with left mouse clicks on iPadOS 14.2 please make sure you've turned of AssistiveTouch in Settings app:
Settings App -> Accessibility -> Touch -> AssistiveTouch -> TURN OFF AssisitiveTouch
If you're having trouble with left mouse clicks on iPadOS 14.2 please make sure you've turned of AssistiveTouch in Settings app:
Settings App -> Accessibility -> Touch -> AssistiveTouch -> TURN OFF AssisitiveTouch
While this does work to resolve a problem using left-click, turning off AssistiveTouch has other undesired consequences... it turns off AssistiveTouch (the floating button that is always on your screen). If you use Assistive Touch, AND want to be able to click your mouse, I found the following solution works...
1) Keep AssistiveTouch enabled. Then...
2) Settings > Accessibility > Touch > AssistiveTouch > (scroll down and find) > Perform Touch Gestures and DISABLE it.
thanks a lot James!
I have struggled with this issue for hours until I found this article. Thanks a lot!
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