Jump Desktop Connect and Jump Desktop for Mac support completely cloudless Fluid connections. This means that you can now use Fluid without any cloud dependencies. This is useful for environments that require super-high security or otherwise don't have access to the internet.
Limitations of Cloudless Fluid Connections
- Important Security note: Team Access Control restrictions do not apply to manual connections. You are responsible for all firewall and security surrounding the connection. The connection to the machine will be allowed access as long as they can connect to the machine's IP address and they know a local user name and password. The connection will be encrypted end-to-end.
- Only available on Teams Enterprise plans.
How to Enable Cloudless Fluid On The Remote Computer
There are two ways to enable Cloudless Fluid Connections - you can use either way:
1. In your Team's dashboard use the Lock down settings feature. Specifically you'll need to turn on the Manual Fluid Connections option:
2. Alternative way if the computer does not have any access to the cloud: Open up Jump Desktop Connect on the remote computer and then click the Settings icon -> Advanced -> CHECK Fluid -> CHECK Manual Fluid Connections.
How to Connect to Computers With Cloudless Fluid Enabled
You can connect to cloudless fluid using Jump Desktop for Mac by creating a new Manual connection:
- Open up Jump Desktop for Mac. Make sure you're running Jump Desktop for Mac 8.6 or later.
- Make sure you are signed in your Teams Enterprise account. This will unlock the Cloudless Fluid feature.
- Click File -> Add New.
- You should now see a new Fluid option in the Type area. Click Fluid and enter the machine's IP address to connect.
Protocols and ports used by Cloudless Fluid
Cloudless Fluid requires the following TCP and UDP ports on the host machine. Please make sure your VPN firewall rules allow the following traffic between the host and client machines:
1. Ports: 35384, Protocol:TCP (for listening to incoming connections)
2. Ports: 35384-35390, Protocol: UDP (to switch over to UDP after a connection is established).
Note: Each concurrent connection to the host will require one UDP port. Jump will start searching for a free UDP port on the host from 35384 and continue until it finds a free port to allocate for the connection.
As I don't have a Mac, and never would, I can't test this. However, having read it, there is a very obvious question.
If the computer you connecting to has no internet access. Nor do you have internet access. But you have an isolated network. How would you:
" 2. Make sure you are signed in your Teams Enterprise account. "
If you can accomplish this, wouldn't you be able to just connect normally?
Hi Ric,
1. The current Jump Desktop Windows Beta release (currently 8.4.x) has the new feature. You can open up Jump Desktop for Windows -> File -> Settings -> Updates -> make sure 'Beta updates' is checked and then click 'Check for updates'.
2. It's okay for the computer you're connecting to, to not have internet access. You can manually configure 'Manual Connections' on the machine (see alternative screenshot above). The _client side_ needs to be logged into an account that is associated with Jump Desktop for Teams Enterprise. Once the client signs in, the feature will unlock on the client side. It's assumed that the client side will have some sort of internet connection.
So is there no way to run this on a LAN? It needs WAN access in order to function?
I used to be able to simply add an RDP connection and now all I can do is add Fluid connections, which keep asking me to sign up for an Teams Enterprise account....
Cloudless Fluid requires a Teams subscription. However, Fluid itself does not require a subscription. Are you trying to use Jump with no internet connectivity? Note: If you're worried about Jump routing your connection over the internet if the machine is on the local LAN - you don't have to worry about that. It's smart enough to detect the two machines are on a LAN and connect using your LAN interfaces.
Seems like RDP connections can only be specified in the OS X version of Jump Desktop, Windows 10 version only allows Fluid connections.
You now have to obtain a Pro license for Windows for RDP. MS implemented this about 5 or 6 years ago I think.
“Note: If you're worried about Jump routing your connection over the internet if the machine is on the local LAN - you don't have to worry about that. It's smart enough to detect the two machines are on a LAN and connect using your LAN interfaces.”
Why is there no way to disable connections from being routed over WAN? If we want to only allow LAN connections for security reasons, why is there no way to block outgoing connections? Many of us don’t want to keep our machines open 24-7 to remote login attempts, and there should be a way for the end-user to disable the ability for remote clients to access the machine outside of LAN.
You now have to obtain a Pro license for Windows for RDP. MS implemented this about 5 or 6 years ago I think.
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