Problem (Korean typing)
I use ipad pro with smart keyboard and korean user.
there is a problem when I type korean.
for example when I type english key 't'+shift, it type 'T' (capital charater).
Like this situation when I type korean key 'ㅅ'+'shift', it type 'ㅆ'.
Some korean words combination of these charater, for example, '있습니다.'
but, when I type "있습니다" in JUMP, it will be "이ㅆ습니다."
I thought it is when I want type combination of 'shift' key at bottom of character. It seems that 'shift' key moved the cursor automatically.
Could you fix this problem?
Thank you
Thank you. We're looking into this issue. Would you like to try out a beta version of Jump for iOS? It will help us validate the fix. Incase you're interested please shoot an email to and let them know you're interested in the iOS beta.
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