Known issues with "Key conversions" in Mac client version 7?
AnsweredI'm using Jump Desktop 6.0.3 on OS X 10.9.5 (Macbook Pro keyboard) to connect to Windows 7 machine over RDP. I'm very fond of JD's "Key conversions" feature which lets me set up mappings to use the arrow-related Document shortcuts (, e.g. Option+(Shift)+Left to CTRL+(Shift)+Left) to use the familiar shortcuts in Windows.
I tried updating to JD 7 (most recently to version 7.0.3) and found the feature broken in various ways (I've reverted to 6.0.3 since then so I can't write the specific steps to reproduce ATM - I recall Alt+Left acting like Alt to focus the menu bar in Windows then moving three times to the left in the menu).
In addition it seems that version 7 stores the mappings in a way incompatible with version 6, requiring me to set up the conversions from scratch when downgrading.
I saw "Keyboard mapping and layout fixes (particularly for RDP connections)" in the release notes for 7.0.4 and wanted to try it.
How can I backup the JD settings before upgrading to make downgrading easier?
Does the problem I'm describing look like a known issue?
What additional information can I collect if the problem persists in 7.0.4?
Official comment
1. 7.0.1 had known issues with key conversions - including the Alt+Left problem you noticed. 7.0.3 address all known issues with key conversions and 7.0.4 had other fixes rolled into it. Are you sure you were using 7.0.3 and not 7.0.1?
2. You're correct the key conversion configuration file has changed since 6.0 and is no longer _backwards_ compatible (it is forward compatible though). You can backup your config by copying the following file:
Mac App Store version: ~/Library/Containers/com.p5sys.jump.mac.viewer/Data/Documents/JumpDesktop/Viewer/JDInputProfile.plist
Non-mac App Store version: ~/Documents/JumpDesktop/Viewer/JDInputProfile.plist
Please do try out 7.0.4 and let me know if your issue is fixed.
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