Brazilian ABNT2 keyboard Layout doesn't work (macOS Local > Windows Server RDP)
PlannedHello ... I discovered this program through Setapp and I immediately moved from MS RDP to JumDesktop, amazing the features that this program presents, I really like: D
However I am facing a somewhat annoying problem.
In my Mac, I use the Brazilian keyboard ABNT2 (after all I am Brazilian) and in MS RDP, when I connected to the remote servers, the keyboard works perfectly, without problems, but in Jumpdesktop when connecting to the remote server it can not "hit" my Keyboard layout.
I tried everything, I changed the keyboard language, I changed the layout on the server, I tried all possible combinations, no results :(
The maximum that I was able to make work was in MAC ABNT2 and in the English server ABNT
But some keys are wrong and others are not working.
for example:
[ \ ] Local - [ ' ] on remote
[ | ] Local - [ ] does not appear on the remote
[ ? ] Local - and nothing in the remote
I really liked the program and I would like to stop using it because of this error :(
Did I ever fix it?
Thanks and congratulations for the App: D
We're looking into this. Can you please shoot an email to and ask to join our beta testing group?
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