Lock computer screen when remote login



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    Jump Desktop Support


    Are you connecting to Windows Pro? If so, try turning on Jump's RDP mode. Do this on the remote computer:

    1. Open up the Jump Desktop Connect app
    2. Click the settings icon on the top right.
    3. Click Configuration Wizard.
    4. When the wizard pops up, select "Windows Remote Desktop" an complete the steps.
    5. After you complete the steps, you should see a new, red icon for your computer on the device you're trying to connect FROM. Use that icon to connect.
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    Michael Daniels Jr

    I am not using windows pro but am having the same issue with locking my computer screen.  I am using windows 10 and there doesn't seem to be that option, the only thing showing under configuration wizard is 'fluid remote desktop' and it is checked.  I have no option to hide my computer screen.  Is there something I am missing or doing wrong?  I need to hide what I am doing from snoops when I am trying to complete something on my computer when using remote access.



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    Anthony Mellor

    I need to lock a mac mini screen when logged in, how to do this?

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    Do we have any updates on this issue? This is a VERY big issue that I am needing addressed.

    I need to be able to log into but with a locked screen and I don't want to use Microsofts RDP because, in my opinion it is not as good as Fluid.

    Also, sound is a major factor. I need Sound and a Lock Screen.

    Any updates guys?


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    Azi Alam

    I love your application and would love to continue to use it. However, I am having the same issue as stated above. I would like to be able to lock my screen when I remote in using Fluid for privacy reasoning. Is that possible?

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    Jump Desktop Support

    Hi guys,

    We're working on screen locking for Fluid on Windows machines. I don't have an ETA - but this is something we're looking into.

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    Azi Alam

    Awesome. Thank you. Please keep us posted. This would be amazing. 

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    Tan Teng Heng

    The solution is available in Mac Beta 8.9 (https://changelog.jumpdesktop.com/).  Awesome!


    Privacy Mode for Fluid lets you blank out the host machine's physical displays and block any inputs from physical keyboard and mice attached to the machine. It will also automatically lock computer after the remote session ends. This is perfect for when you need to remotely work on sensitive documents and media. Great for shared environments and hybrid work workflows. To enable privacy mode connect to your machine and click Remote -> Privacy Mode.

    If you want to know how to join the beta, refer here:


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    Tan Teng Heng

    Just realised that the beta implementation solved one thing, but it still doesn't lock the Macbook when the remote is disconnected.  This is not good.

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    Jump Desktop Support

    Hi Tan. In the beta, if Privacy mode is engaged and you disconnect, it will / should auto-lock the Macbook. How are you disconnecting? If it's an unclean disconnect, it may take up to 45 seconds for Connect on the host to 'clean up' the connection.

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    Tan Teng Heng

    Remote device and local device are both Macbooks with the beta versions.  On remote Macbook, I click on Remote, then followed by Disconnect.  

    When I tested using Windows with beta versions and connected to remote Macbook with beta versions, I click on Remote, then followed by Disconnect.  As I was testing with both devices at the same location, I could see that my Windows device was not locked.

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