Monitor selection



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    Ror Martin

    Support provided a hint on using VPN rather than RDP.  I prefer RDP especially for the fact I don't have to have another service running on the desktop.  If you really want to mess your workstation up, try using UltraMon for the monitor management, and then RDP'ing into it with JumpDesk.  I've got the same issue, only my #2 monitor is shared with #3 (our TV in the family room).  I'd like to run the slides on monitor #2 and control it using the Android JumpDesk app. 

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    John Garman

    Multiple Screens:

    With the iPad in the setup  "details" screen open the "display" setting and you'll the ability to specify the number of screens.  So for example, if you set it to two and your target computer has two screens, then when you "jump" to it, you'll see both screens at once across the iPad.   I don't know of any way to see just one (as with LogMeIn or others), but you can certainly zoom in on one or the other at a time and it works fine and is just as clear/easy to read.

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    Todd Adams

    I bought jump because I truly thought  it was better.   I have two screens at home and I have one screen on my laptop.  I want to look at one or the other without zooming and without needing a magnifying glass.   I see nowhere where I can have my one screen on my laptop just look at one screen on my desktop without panning or zooming.  I need this feature or I need my money back.  Logmein, splashtop and teamviewer all do this. I thought based on the reviews I was buying something better?

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    Jump Desktop Support

    @Chris - you can zoom into the area you want to see using the pinch gesture on Android / iOS. Monitor selection doesn't currently exist.

    @Todd - Does the response here help? 

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