Jump Desktop Android automatic setup on Verizon 3G and 4G connections
Some Android users on Verizon's network have reported problems connecting to their computer when using Jump's automatic configuration feature.
Note: This issue only affects a small number of Android users on Verizon's network and using Jump's automatic setup. Users who have configured Jump manually via an IP address are not affected by this issue. iOS users on Verizon's network are also not affected by this issue.
We've investigated this issue on our end (via logs submitted by users) and what we repeatedly keep seeing from the logs is: As soon as the user tries to connect to their computer the 3G or 4G connection temporarily drops on the device causing the connection attempt to fail. Most users regain 3G/4G connectivity after about 2-3 seconds however some users have also reported the need to restart their phones to regain 3G/4G connectivity.
At this time we're unsure why this would happen. We do know this happens only for some Verizon network users on Android and using Jump's automatic setup - others haven't reported any problems. If you're hitting a similar issue and have additional data points (phone, model, network, location) then please add to the comments. Any data you can provide will be helpful in fixing this problem.
I have this same problem and have been working with Jump Desktop Support. But, the thread is only partially correct. I cannot connect to any servers using Jump over the 3G/4G network on my Droid Razr. I cannot connect to the automatic setup machines through google servers over the 3G/4G network. I also cannot connect to a manually configured server with RDP or VNC when using VPN into my workplace over the 3G/4G network. If I VPN into my workplace using Wifi, I can connect just fine.
@Jake Thanks for the additional info.
- Does connecting through automatic setup knock out your 3G/4G network connection?
- Does connecting using a manual connection also knock out your 3G/4G network connection?
- Can you please let me know the exact error message Jump displays when you try to connect manually using the VPN and the 3G/4G network?
- Connecting through automatic setup does fail and knocks out my 3G/4G network connection for about 10 seconds.
- Connection using a manual connection over a VPN on 3G/4G fails but does not knock out my 3G/4G network connection.
- When it fails to connect manually using the VPN over the 3G/4G network, it stays on connecting... for a very long time. Sometimes it stays on this forever until the app is closed. Sometimes it eventually fails saying it can't find the server. Again, VPN works fine using Wifi.
@Jake - thanks for the info. This actually sounds like 2 seperate issues:
1. Automatic connection problem: You're definitely being affected by the issue described in this thread.
2. Manual connection problem: From what you've described it sounds like Jump is having trouble resolving the host name / DNS for your computer when you're on the VPN + 3G/4G network. If I'm correct then the manual connection problem is unrelated to this thread. That said try this little test:
- Download a ping utility onto your phone. Here is one such tool: Ping from iMobile Apps (please note though - I haven't tried this myself - you can choose a good one yourself).
- Connect to your VPN on your 3G/4G network and try to ping the host name you entered in Jump for your computer. See if it can resolve the host name to an IP address. My guess is that it'll fail here.
- Next try connecting to your WiFi network and then try pinging the same host name. My guess is this attempt will succeed.
- If the above plays out the way I've described it then you might need to either use a direct IP address for your computer in Jump or change the host name so that it's resolvable over the 3G network.
@Jake - thanks for the clarification - perhaps I was wrong about the manual connection problem. Can you please reproduce the manual connection problem on your device and then send over the Jump Desktop logs? You can do this by tapping the settings icon on the top left hand corner of the main Jump screen on your Android device and then tap the 'Email logs' row (please do not attach the log file to this thread).
Jake, we just released 4.0.3 to the beta website with a potential fix.Can try it now please? Anyone else hitting this issue should email support@jumpdesktop.com and request access to the android beta - we need testers.
Folks - this was reported by a user as a workaround for this issue:
I recently could not connect to my computers using Jump though the 4G verizon network using my Droid Razar Max. It say's that my jump is either offline, or it gives me an error code. When I try to connect it immediately dropps my 4G connection.
I found a way to get around this and make it work. I found that if I turn on the 4G hotspot on my phone (Droid Razar Max) using Foxfi, I can go to my Jump on the same phone and it will not drop the 4G connection, and it will allow me to log into my computer using Jump with out any issues.
I am now on Jump Desktop 5.0 on my Droid Razr. I still cannot connect to any computers using Jump through my 3G/4G verizon wireless network. It connects for just a second before it immediately completely knocks out my 3G/4G connection. I do not pay for Hotspot, so I cannot enable that feature. Is there any other fixes for this yet??
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