How to drag and drop files from computers?
I am trying to figure out how to drag and drop files from my MacBook Pro to my iMac using Jump Desktop but cannot seem to find out how. I may have overlooked something obvious, but I figured that Jump Desktop would have that capability when I purchased it.
Hi Hagen,
The current version of Jump Dekstop doesn't support file transfer between the host and remote computers. We're going to be looking into this in a future release. In the meantime we recommend using a third party file sharing service like .
At this time: Clipboard file transfers are only supported for RDP connections. If you're on the Mac, make sure you're running the latest version of Jump Desktop and then connect to the RDP computer. You should be able to copy paste files to / from the computer. If you're on iOS you can enable enable 'File Sharing' for RDP connections in 'connection' settings.
We're working on adding clipboard file copy/paste support for Fluid connections. Stay tuned.
I’m connected to an RDP type computer, and I’m on ios. How do I actually get a file from “the computer I’m connected to” onto my iPad? Copy and paste don’t seem to work and the paste is just a text file with the name of the file. I can “right click” and get some options like send to... or share etc but nothing so far has worked. I did turn on file sharing, and I confirmed it remained selected... -
On iOS, for RDP connections you can turn on Folder Sharing. With folder sharing, a folder from your iPad / iPhone / Android is shared with the remote computer. Any thing already in the folder is available on the remote computer and anything you put into the folder automatically gets copied to your device.
Here's how you enable It on your iOS device (note: for RDP connections only): Tap the blue "i" icon next to your computer's name in Jump and make sure 'Folder sharing' is enabled. Then connect to the Windows machine. Once you connect, open up the 'Explorer' app on Windows and click on the 'This PC' entry. You should see a folder listed there with your iPad / iPhone's name on it. Simply copy the text file into that folder and it will be transfer to your iPhone / iPad. Once you do this, open up the 'Files' app on your iPhone / iPad and navigate to 'Jump' to see the shared folder contents.
I'm Running Jump Desktop on a Mac OSX 10.12.x and connecting to Macs running older OSX, such as 10.10, 10.6 & older. It would be really awesome to be able to transfer files easily to/from the remote Mac (VNC, not RDP).
At times like this, I really miss TimbuktuPro. That was some really capable software & I used it for many years.
Please add a file transfer function if you can, & please support older Mac OSX such as 10.6. If I'm on the same local network, I can turn on filesharing, but it would be far better to have all that built into JumpDesktop.
It's been literally 12 years where you have said you would be implementing file transfer between MacOS machines. Why bother telling people you are "working on a feature" when people could have had children in grade school that are now graduating college by now? You do see the ridiculousness of this, right? You are insulting your users with these lies.
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