CMD Key always brings up the Windows Start Button



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    Matt Alexander

    I would really like this as well. A way to at least disable the single press of Cmd, and only enable it for key combos.

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    Frans den Hartog

    Hope this is an future update of JumpDesktop!

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    Jeff Vybihal

    This feature would be huge. For me, I'd like to change the key modifiers on my mac to swap control and command so that I can use control C/V etc.. JumpDesktop, could this be added to a future release?

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    Matt Alexander

    This is what I ended up doing as a workaround:

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    Jeff Vybihal

    When in installed Karabiner, is rendered my modifier keys useless. For example, I have the following modifier.

    When I install Karabiner, it disables this modifier. Have you run into this?


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    Mkozak (Edited )

    This is indeed now possible via Jump Desktop menu-->Preferences...-->Keyboard & Mouse-->Key Conversions (enabled)-->"+"-->just click Cmd at the top (don't hit any other key to add to it!) and then Control at the bottom (likewise, don't add another key to it)-->click "OK".

    Finally, no more START menu opening and and accidental web searches for the text when just trying to (and ever so slightly missing the timing) copy/paste between macOS and Windows - yay!

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