Wide Monitor for jump connection.
I will buy a Samsung G9 57-inch monitor.
The monitor has an ultra-wide resolution of 7680x2160, which is essentially the equivalent of two 32-inch monitors placed side by side in landscape mode. Due to its extreme width, it becomes challenging to manage the full screen during remote sessions.
My clients mostly access my computer via Jump Remote Desktop Connect. However, when sharing the full screen, it appears stretched and overwhelming for remote users because of the ultra-wide aspect ratio.
Is there any way to display only a specific section of the screen, such as the left or right side, while keeping that part fixed?
If I could achieve this, the visible area would be approximately the size of a standard 32-inch monitor, making it much easier for my clients to view and understand the content during our sessions.
I would appreciate any advice or solutions on how to achieve this setup.
Thank you.
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