4K Monitor Export - iPad Pro 2018



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    Kevin White

    4k output would be fantastic.  Just got the new iPad Pro with usb-c, and with 4k video out, jump desktop would become a fantastic business tool with 4k output support.

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    Bernhard Straub

    Great idea, would make the iPad Pro 2018 even more useful.

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    Fabian Thieme

    Moreover I hope that there will be support for the new 3:2 aspect ratio of the iPad Pro 2018 11 inch. 

    By the way, how did you people handle the whole aspect ratio thing ? I manually change it  through the app in the Nvidia settings (to 4:3 right now), is there a faster way?



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    Shikhir Arora

    Second this. Just got the iPad Pro 12.9” and one of the main reasons for it was to use a RDC like Jump; using the Apple Keyboard right now and Swiftpoint mouse and have this little USB-C adapter (https://www.amazon.com/Anker-Adapter-Delivery-Charging-Chromebook/dp/B07DD8BLJW/ref=dp_ob_title_ce)  and would love to see this implemented!

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    Patrick Roza

    Seems to work now.

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    Rune Mariboe

    Patrick « I can't get mine to output more than 1080p - above that the picture on the external display freezes. Is there any trick to this that you'd share?

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    Bernhard Straub

    I can’t get it to work either. Using the Belkin 4K/60 Hz adapter with my LG TV I can seen resolutions above 1080p but those are not selectable. The connection is working fine for playing other content like iTunes movies. I assume some work needs to be done here.

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    Heath Barker

    I am experiencing the same challenges of not being able to set resolutions above 1080p for my 4K USB-C monitor from my iPad Pro 2018. Has anyone successfully achieved this yet?

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    Patrick Roza

    @Heath Barker: For me it just works once after restarting the iPad. All next attempts fail.

    Had to switch to another remote desktop device.

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    Hi, are there any news about 4K monitor support of jumpdesktop? 

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