External Screen



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    This would be absolutely amazing. I really hope this is something that could be implemented. I actually tried it, thinking this would be exactly how it would work.

    Unfortunately I was left rather disappointed. Not only did the app simply just mirror the device to the screen, but I couldn’t even lock my iPad and use the mouse on the screen instead.

    If I’m going to have to leave the iPad open/unlocked, the best thing would be to have the screen extended to the second monitor instead of having two devices showing the same thing.

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    Marc Goldman

    If you are asking can you use your iPad as a second display for your PC/Mac then I'm not sure that is really the purpose of Jump Desktop? If you want an app to do that then I can recommend Duet Display.

    I use this with my MacBook Pro and it works brilliantly. They've made it work on PCs now too.

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    No that’s not what we are asking.

    We are asking if we can remote into another computer, using jump, which is the purpose of the app, and then plug the iPad into another monitor and use the external screen as a second monitor FOR THE REMOTE DESKTOP SESSION. Just like if you used Remote Desktop on a computer that had two screens, you would want to be able to use both screens for the Remote Desktop session.

    so screen 1: ipad

    screen 2 displayed on the external displayed plugged into the iPad.

    This is very different to what you are suggesting. 

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    Marc Goldman

    Ahh got you. Sorry. That would be cool.

    My first thought is that it would have a limited audience, who would have a second screen not already attached to a computer to do the RDP from, but then I realised all those hotel rooms I'm in when travelling that has a second screen just sitting there...

    Now you've given me that though, don't add this feature, it'll mean I'll want to upgrade my 10.5 pro to a new model! :)

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    Patrick (Edited )

    That was exactly the type of scenario I was thinking about, but I’m sure there are others too :)

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    Rune Mariboe

    I have this working - though only with resolutions up to 1080p. The iPad Pro 2018 supports resolutions up to 5k so that would be a nice inclusion.

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    You have the external screen working as a second screen and not just mirroring what is on the iPad!?

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    Rune Mariboe

    Yup - that feature and mouse support are the two reasons I purchased the app :)

    I've tested with a few different connectors and hubs, and most seem to work, and it even does dynamic resolution changing on supported OSes (Win 2012 and up I believe). Up to 1080p, that is - but they're working on higher resolutions as I understand it...

    Here's an example using AirPlay for screen extension - it works the same with a physically attached monitor:

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    Rune Mariboe

    I've set mine up in "Trackpad" mode so I can use the iPad as a huge trackpad, not having to look at it performing mouse actions - even without the Swiftpoint GT/ProPoint or the Citrix X1 (or the working but unsupported MS Arc) :)

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    Rune Mariboe (Edited )

    And Marc, don't fret, your iPad supports screen extension, too (actually since iOS 3.x) - just get yourself one of these: https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MD826AM/A/lightning-digital-av-adapter - or use AirPlay :)

    I wonder if this would work, too 🤔 https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MK0W2AM/A/lightning-to-usb-3-camera-adapter

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    Bill Wooden

    @Rune - In the pic you provided, it appears that what's on the secondary display might be mirroring what's on the iPad? Granted, my eyes are not nearly good enough to be certain.

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    Rune Mariboe (Edited )

    Bill « Trust me, it's not (or look at the giant, light box in the top right of the iPad screen vs the TV screen) :)

    It's actually one of the touted features of Jump... What are you getting when you use it with AirPlay or external monitors? I don't think Jump can even mirror the display - at least I don't have a setting for it...

    Works equally well using an iPhone, BTW :)

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    Bill Wooden

    @Rune - I seem to only get mirroring when using an external usb-c monitor on my 12.9 iPad Pro. Although my Jump Desktop app display is mirrored on the external monitor, I only get the Jump Desktop external display prompt (light box) on the iPad side. 

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    Patrick (Edited )

    @Rune Sorry, but that is mirroring. Yes, you might not have the jump app UI, BUT it is displaying the primary (and only) screen of the remote desktop session on both your iPad and the external screen.

    The external screen is not acting as an actual secondary screen - you couldn't for example display a picture on the external screen while browsing the web on the iPad. It would display the web browser on both screens.

    What we are wanting to do is to have the RDP session recognise that there are two displays and allow you to use both independently, or 'extend the desktop' if you will.

    No different to if you plugged two monitors into a pc.

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    Rune Mariboe

    Bill « That's the way Jump elected to utilize screen extension - other apps just show a blank slate or a list of RDP configurations to indicate that the iPad is not to be seen as the primary display for the Remote Desktop connection. You'll notice that split screen will let you work other apps on the iPad while Jump is extended - as long as Jump's the left most active app (that's how Apple's implemented screen extension).

    Screen mirroring would mean that the iPads display was replicated 1:1 (resolution 'n' all) to the external display...

    I'm going to suggest to Jump through the beta program that they use the iPad screen for something else than displaying the primary remote desktop when screen extension is active - might as well give us a secondary remote desktop, the list of configurations, or even a blank slate instead :)


    Patrick « Browsing the web, taking notes and writing reports on the iPad's display (sometimes simultaneously;) is exactly what I'm doing while having the remote desktop shown on the external display.

    You can't (yet) have one remote desktop extended over to displays using Jump for iOS. That would be neat, too, though.
    You can have your remote desktop on the external display while using any other app (or even two other apps at the same time) on the iPad's internal display.

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    Rune Mariboe

    Patrick « Here's a bit to explain how the two (mirroring and extension) are implemented by app developers: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202044

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    Patrick (Edited )

    “You can't (yet) have one remote desktop extended over to displays using Jump for iOS. That would be neat, too, though.”


    This is what the entire thread is about though. We are requesting this one specific feature.

    We aren’t doubting that you can display the app on an external screen, just that you aren’t able to do the specific feature this request is for.

    The original question was ‘is it possible to use extended desktop’. And you seem to know it isn’t :) - hence the request.

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    Rune Mariboe

    Oh, I misinterpreted OP and confused extended desktop with extended screen (biased by my own issues with screen extension to high res external screens)!

    Yes, I've attempted the same thing - and I simply get two desktops side by side on the same screen...

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    Benjamin Start

    Rune, I tested this today. I was able to get the remote desktop on the external screen ONLY if the app was still open ipad screen. I could then split the ipad screen and open another app on the ipad  Is this the method you explained to Patrick or is there a way to have the remote session on the external display and a full screen ios app on the ipad screen?

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    Rune Mariboe

    Exactly, the iPad will only extend the app which is currently shown fullscreen or on the left most portion of split screen.

    I'm sure Apple will implement screen extension in a more usable way at some point - like using the external display as the only display for any given app, as that would completely blur the line between tablet and laptop in that regard without any real compromise.

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    maximalismo ⚡️ ₿

    Just got the iPad Pro 12.9 since I do all of my dev over VPN and RDP and Wow it would be amazing to have dual monitor support (monitor 1 on the iPad, monitor 2 via HDMI/USB-c 4K)

    Great App!

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    Tony Hariman

    For ssh, you can use blink which supports an extended external screen. Would be perfect if jump desktop has the same capabilities.  With my Ipad Pro, Jump Desktop, Blink and swiftpoint GT mouse, I hardly bring my laptop anymore during traveling.

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    Robert Boulanger

    @Rune Mariboe:  You wrote :"(or the working but unsupported MS Arc) :)".  How did you get this working?  Have it as well and paired with iPad, but Jump Desktop does not connect.

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    Tiago Santos

    hey guys, I am considering buying an iPad pro to use jump desktop, the festure I find a must have before going forward is close to this request, is ir possible to have the full screen RDP session on the external monitor and use iOS apps at same time on iPAD screen?

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    Rune Mariboe

    @Robert Boulanger « Sorry, I haven’t been able to test that myself - only read reports of it working :(

    @Tiago « Thats what I do. Be aware, though, that screen extension currently demands that the app being extended to the external screen is active and visible on the iPad’s screen. The leftmost app on the screen is the one extended to the external screen. It works quite well though it’s not the perfect solution.

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    Tiago Santos (Edited )

    @Rune thanks for your reply, oh the scenario I wanted was to be able to use iPad apps on iPad screen while using full screen RDP on the monitor, that would be the killer feature to make me buy iPad Pro, but I guess this is a limitation rather from iOS than Jump Desktop.

    But If jump desktop is extending the monitor rather than square with black bars, I can leave with it probably, are the fonts/size of stuff ok and proportional to work comfortably like you were using the desktop? and no black bars right ? (based on your photo)


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    Rune Mariboe

    @Tiago « You definitely can - though limited to the rightmost two thirds of the iPad’s display (as Jump must occupy the left third) :)

    To me, everything looks good and works smoothly on the external screen (no black bars:) - and you can lower the resolution in Jump if you need.

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    Rune Mariboe

    ... and I guess it goes without saying that you iOS apps you want to use in that way with Jump need to support split screen on the iPad :)

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    Rune Mariboe

    Oh, and you can easily get a refund from Apple (there’s even a very simple form for that) if you’re unsatisfied with an app - so purchasing Jump just to try it out is absolutely safe :)

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    Tiago Santos

    @Rune wow thats amazing, that tweak does what I wanted, iPad pro starting to make sense to me, that's exactly what I wanted to know, thank you so much I couldn't find this information anywhere.

    My doubts are about to buy or not the iPad pro, no problem with the app , if I buy iPad pro I will instantly buy Jump Desktop.

    I think I am sold, and no need for laptops since I work outside home only 20% of the time. I think iPad Pro 12.9 with jump desktop will be enough for my needs, and this way I don't need to keep two different computers.

    Perhaps too much but you have any ideia about how much mobile data is consuming while using Jump Desktop? (I've made a post asking this on another thread, off topic here)

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