Apple Pen Pressure?
Is there a feature for us artists out there to use the apple pen pressure for apps like photoshop? I've searched everywhere, if there isn't I think it would be a great idea!
Hello Jump Desktop Support,
I take this opportunity to say that Gabby isn't the only person to want the ‘Pen Presure’. I am a big Zbrush user (Zbrush is a 3D sculpting program that is only on PC and MAC)
If you google « Zbrush Ipad Pro » on Youtube, you’ll see a lot of people finding alternative solution to get Zbrush working on Ipad
Jump Desktop is absolutely awesome to make Zbrush work. Unfortunately not having Pen Presure is a big problem when you use Zbrush
If you need more informations about Zbrush or Photoshop don't hesitate to ask
Yes 100% why is pressure sensitivity not enabled for jump desktop. If it is you would have a flood of new users. I know and am friends with a massive collective of artists that use the Ipad because it's so convenient as a an artist tool. If you implemented pressure support I would tell as many Ipad users as possible.
Hi, I used to do beta testing for Jump. It's a great product, rock solid, and is very configurable.
However, I need to "jump" on this band-wagon.
Please, please, add pressure sensitivity with the iPad Pencil.
I just searched this knowledge-base for similar requests, and I think I've read requests for this dozens of times for about 5 yrs.
As mentioned, this would be useful to Artists and Engineers, and really, anyone using tablets like Wacom, Huion, etc, etc.
--- Here's wishing! ---
I have not managed to find any app until now that would enable me to remote to my WIN machine and have apple pen pressure working + mouse + ipad magic keyboard.
Only thing i can do for now is to use easycanvas with wakom EK remote for sculpting and jumpdesktop with magic keyboard and mouse for modeling in blender. but this is only on local network and very close to my win machine so EK remote bluetooth don't die, also kinda klunky. I was so hyped to get the ipad and have things work away from my desktop, but it turned out to be a recurring FACEPLANT :) often times i have fantasy about selling my ipad pro > getting cintq 27 hq, and forget about mobility alltogether. I still hope, somewhere deep inside, that a viable solution will happen for us. Also, i sometimes wonder why no one has managed to give us a decent solution up to this moment, maybe it is something on apple side halting such a solution ... ?!?!?
does this mean I can now remote from my ipad into windows and have pen pressure ? I don't really understand the reply from Abdul Ghani Madid. Can anyone clarify for me ? Sorry if I am missing the obvious
Or is IOS also including ipad os, which means that the feature is not yet there ?!
Hi Traian,
Stylus support for connecting from Mac/Windows computers to Windows/Mac computers has been released and is functional. However, if you're connecting from an iOS device(iPad and iPhone) to a Mac/Windows computer, pen pressure is not currently supported and we will be adding this feature soon.
Bump for adding apple pencil pressure request for the iPadOS.
MS Remote Desktop has recently added support for the apple pencil and works great but Jump Desktop Fluid mode is simply way better with it’s performance and all the shortcut keys working on the magic keyboard with Affinity Suite 2 and Blender. It’s a pretty big annoyance to continually switch from MS Remote Desktop app just for the apple pencil and then switch back to Jump Desktop Fluid to use all the shortcut keys, but that’s my current workflow until the apple pencil is fully supported in iPadOS for Jump Desktop.
Bump, is there any update about when the feature will come by any chance?
I'd need it too, Jump is also my only app where keyboard shortcuts works correctly, and with apple pencil pressure support, it'd fullfill all I need for Affinity, Blender and other creative software for painting, sculpting, creative stuff overall where it's needed too! I'm on windows personally.
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