Cursor delay between monitors



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    Jump Desktop Support

    Andrew - sorry you're having trouble with the new update. Can you please tell me a little more about this:

    1. Which version of macOS are you running on the Macbook Pro and what year is the hardware from?
    2. Which protocol are you using to connect to the remote machine?
    3. Would it be possible for you to grab a quick video for us - it'll really help us understand the problem - feel free to email it to if you don't want to share it on the public forum.



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    Andrew K

    I am running the latest version of Mojave on a late 2013 MacBook Pro connected to two external monitors via mini displayport.  I am connecting to the machine using RDP.   I can connect to the same machine with Microsoft Remote Desktop Client and it works fine.

    I don't know how I would grab multi-monitor video to share with you.

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    Christian Elmassry

    There is a delay with me also.. seems like this updated did not help anyone. 

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    Jump Desktop Support

    @Andrew: Can you try using your phone camera to record a video of the problem? It'll be really helpful in understanding the issue. Also - if you could grab a copy of the logs by clicking Help -> Diagnostic Logs in Jump and shoot us an email: with the zip file, it'll be super helpful. We'll fix this ASAP. 

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    Jump Desktop Support

    @Christian: Would be super helpful if you could also grab the logs for us please. Also if you can just confiorm the Mac hardware you're running on, it'll really help.

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    Andrew K

    I am on the road right now and not near my Windows 10 machine to record a video.  I might not be back for a couple of weeks. I can connect to a Windows 7 Enterprise laptop and everything works fine so it seems to be related to Windows 10.

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    Jump Desktop Support

    @Andrew - no problem. Just let us know when you get back. I think your issue is different from Christian's - it's related to the Jump Desktop for Windows (client).

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    Andrew K

    I just returned home to find out that my Windows 10 machine is somehow on the slow ring of insiders builds after I noticed new options that were not there before I left.  I don't know how this happened since I would definitely not enroll my production machine with a beta at best version of the OS.  I don't know if that has anything to do with my issues but the mouse pointer problem is even worse than I initially thought.  It is not only pausing between screens but also becomes unusable when running my Citrix Remote Desktop, local X11 apps in WSL and even Visual Studio Code.  While the mouse pointer moves over certain visual elements of these applications it briefly pauses and then continues even though I am using smooth mouse movements.  It looks like it might have something to do with applications using hardware acceleration since I know my X11 server uses it as well as my Citrix Remote Desktop.  All of these things are fine with Microsoft Remote Desktop.  I would now call JumpDesktop completely unusable for me.  I will try to get a video if you still think it is necessary.  It might not be very visible since I have 2 24" monitors and I have to be far away to get both monitors in view plus I don't have much room behind my chair to move back.

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    Jump Desktop Support

    @Andrew - a video would be super helpful here - it'll really help us understand what the problem is.

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    Andrew K

    Hello,  I just returned to my computer after a while on the road and ended up removing the insiders build of Windows 10 due to some other issues.  After re-installing the current released build the problem vanished.  I noticed before I left that the problem also occurred in the Parallels Client before restoring Windows 10.  It looks like there might be some issues with the unreleased version of Windows and some RDP clients.  I am sorry I could not get a video before I did the restore but the problem that forced me was a show-stopper.

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    Andrew K

    One more thing.  Before I reverted to the Windows Release build that fixed the problem I completely reset my machine with the insider build and the problem still existed.

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