Fluid LAN mode



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    Jump Desktop Support


    Fluid is quite smart about making sure it creates a direct connection between machines. If the two machines are on the same LAN it will automatically connect the two directly. Even if you’re on a different network it will try to create a direct connection without involving our servers. It falls back to our relay servers only if it can’t create a direct connection.

    In summary: if you’re on the same LAN, Jump will create a direct connection without going over the internet. Make sure you’re on 5ghz wifi or on a wired network for best performance.

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    Yes, good idea! Full agree

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    I cannot agree to this, I tried to measure this with using little snitch. My two device are on the same LAN using Gigabit-Ethernet for connections. And I did not find a connection from a local IP but enough from Jumpdesktop. So, I believe this will not function very well.



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    Jump Desktop Support

    @ryder - unless you have a strange networking setup or overly stringent firewall rules, you're probably going through the LAN. Would you be able to you share your results here: Which process were you monitoring via Little Snitch and what kind of stats did you see?

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    @Jump Desktop Support,

    I have to withdraw my statement, I could now trace the connection using TCPDUMP. My mistake was that I thought the connection was running over other ports. In fact the connection is established locally using the FLUID ports.


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