Multiple monitors match between Mac and Windows?



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    Andrew holybee

    I know there was the ability to do this i even see it suggested in a old 2013 post but don't see the ability now

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    Andrew holybee

    @stephen chu found a work around just run 2 instances of jump desktop. Right click the client you want to dual monitor into and create duplicate open one log in select monitor 1 open up copy select monitor 2

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    Jump Desktop Support

    Hi guys. We have a new version of Jump Desktop for Windows beta (8.4.0 and later) for this which lets you do this without a workaround: Open up Jump Desktop for Windows -> File -> Settings -> Updates -> CHECK Beta updates. Then click 'Check for beta updates' and install the update.

    Once you install the beta, connect to a multi-mon machine and then click Remote -> Displays -> Displays as separate Windows. This will open up one window per remote display which you can then go full screen on individually.


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    Stephen Chu (朱朱)

    I tried the beta and it does allow both of my remote Mac monitors to show up on my local Windows monitors. Great job!

    Now I run into a different issue: Both my Windows monitors are now showing remote Mac screens in fullscreen. How do I switch back to my local Windows desktop? Is there a key or hidden menu to minimize Jump Desktop?

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    Stephen Chu (朱朱)

    It also doesn't remember my setting for separate windows. I have to enable it, exit fullscreen, drag the window to the desired monitor, make it fullscreen. Every time I run a new connection.

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    Hello! Is there a way to do this with a Mac to a Mac? I am not seeing this setting. Thank you!


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    Jump Desktop Support

    Hi there. We're beta testing this right now:, specifically:

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    Thank you! I will check this out!


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    Hello! How do I install the beta version of the Mac app to test this out? Thanks!


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    Jump Desktop Support

    @Richcampers. Here you got: Here's how to install the betas: . Note though: The multi-monitor screen resolution matching also requires updates to the ‘Connect’ app running on the remote side - would recommend updating the remote side too for best possible experience.

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    Dan Shea

    Greetings Jump Desktop Support 

    Okay as per the other discoveries in this thread - I have ANOTHER scenario.  Mac to Windows separate monitor windows is currently not working for me with all beta updates installed.  The dual monitor windows setting DOES work from Windows to Mac  Is this correct?

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    Jump Desktop Support

    Dan - both ways (Windows to Mac and Mac to Windows) should work. What's the issue you're seeing.

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    Dan Shea

    When going from Mac to Windows remote - On the Mac menu: "remote > displays > show displays as separate window" isn't there - just Cycle Displays , Match Display Resolution, All Displays, Display 1, Display 2

    I am currently running beta versions of both, and I've restarted the Windows machine, and re launched the Mac Jump Desktop client

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    Dan Shea

    Oh interesting - I found it - from the Main window of the mac client I could click the settings wheel for my windows machine, and I see the checkbox "displays as separate windows"

    Thanks for the help!

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    Usman Ghani

    Is it necessary to have dual monitor on remote machine? I want to render on my dual monitors as windows client but my remote machine doesn't have dual monitors.

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    Nick LaHam

    Hi, is this feature also possible to use without using Connect or Fluid, but just a simple VPN into a Windows machine over the native RDP protocol built into Windows? 

    I can see the "Displays in Separate Windows" option in the View menu, but it's grayed out so I can't click it. I like to be able to remote into many different machines on a Windows network and so I typically use VPN and RDP without any other Jump software installed other than on the machine I am using to Remote into workstations with. 

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