No microphone support????



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    Ronny Siegenthaler

    It‘s a shame that you’re paying $15 for an app that’s in some cases worse than the official Microsoft Remote Desktop app, like microphone and webcam support! They really have to implement both of these!

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    yes, I agree and please bring the microphone support for iOS. the mac app has it but I believe it will be a great feature to have it on ios.


    Reason for me is that so I can use the whatsapp desktop app to do calling via jump deskop. therefore it is scalable that my iPad can do whatsapp calls and leverage on Jump desktop microphone connection.


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    Yang Xiang

    I am also keen to use Jump Desktop on my iPad Pro to join Zoom meetings through an iMac. The only issue is that the microphone redirection from iPad to iMac is not supported. Can Jump Desktop team please provide a solution on this? Thank you.

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    Fazlul Fazal

    Any update on this? It's been quite some time and mic redirection is still not available. We even had to start setting up VPN and RDP to servers as customers need the mic to work.

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    Jason B

    I am really looking forward to this. I need it also for my work!
    Any updates yet?

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