iPad: Macros list (cmd hold) interferring when switchin iPad apps



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    Justin Ross

    I think this is a system-level feature, so I’m not sure Jump can disable it. Though, I don’t seem to get it in other apps, so it might have something to do with the way they’re capturing the CMD key. 

    I’d personally love to see it fixed, as well. Super frustrating. 

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    Travis Jones (Edited )

    At least you are able to see the macro list. It will not even show up for me :/

    Hopefully they will get both issues resolved soon.

    EDIT: The workaround @hnet posted (see below). Appears to be working fine for me. I am on the current public release, due to test flight expiring the beta for me. Anyone stumbling on this page, try disabling mouse lock.

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    I’ve actually noticed that when mouse is locked, the macros list doesn’t show. Which is actually what I’m currently using to workaround this issue. In your case you might want to make sure that the mouse pointer is unlocked. You can lock/unlock using settings screen or I think cmd+shift+p shortcut.

    I don’t think the macros list is system feature, at least not in this case, because it doesn’t look like the standard list in other official apps. I could be mistaken though.

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    couldron clash

    Same here. I work on MacOS remotely and it’s even more annoying when I try to multi-select a bunch of items.

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    couldron clash

    Been using the mouse lock trick. However further tests shows that the second long cmd press still prompts the macro list. After closing the list a toast message says “mouse is locked”, indicating mouse is automatically unlocked when the macro list is prompted.

    Please add an option to disable the macro list.

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