8.9.6 - Match Resolution too low on 14" M1


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    Chris Meyer

    After the upgrade I am also unable to match the resolution of my local computer, when I was able to previously.  My remote computer has 2 monitors maxed out at 1080p, my local computer is an iMac with two extra 4k screens, and my goal is to have 2 of the local monitors display the remote computer using a 2560 x1440 resolution.  I've tried just about every display option imaginable, including trying to use virtual monitors with a custom resolution without any luck.  For whatever reason, I can get one of my screens to display the correct resolution, but the main iMac screen defaults to 1080p even after I see it temporarily display my desired resolution.

    Privacy mode is a huge upgrade that I've been waiting years for, so I'm just dealing with the smaller resolution for now, but I absolutely hope this is a beta bug that Jump is able to overcome.

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