macOS High Sierra (10.13) breaks Jump Desktop




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    Jump Desktop Support

    Sorry for the delay in replying. The original issue this topic was about was clicks not working when connecting TO High Sierra over VNC. This issue was actually fixed in Jump Desktop 7.1 which was released ~Oct  5th 2017. 

     @Joe @Gerd: What you're seeing is not a known issue. Can you please tell us more about this? 

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    Gerd Majer

    double clicking is funktiuonal.

    but... the mouse ist juming around since high sierra with connections via RDP on all of my Win2009R2 Server.

    No exact clicking possible becouse the mouse jumps around

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    Ian Brendel

    "No double clicking, no dragging, not even simple clicking on Finder and Safari. Is it only me who's suffering the issue?"

    It's not only you.  I updated today and thought it was a problem on my server but I finally was able to isolate it to Jump.

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    Gerd Majer (Edited ) 

    In the Video attached you can see how strange the mouse pointer moves.

    No work possible in this way!

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    Joe Gomez

    I've been having the same issue with the mouse jumping around using High Sierra since I upgraded this week.  Hopefully an update will fix this as it is very difficult to put your cursor on what you want.

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    Gerd Majer

    Still the same since weeks... no update no nothing no support.
    Product / Project is dead.. now i use ms remote desktop....

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    Joe Gomez

    I just switched to jump and like it...don't really want to set up ms remote desktop.  I don't use the trackpad but my external mouse is having similar issues with control.  I just got an update for jump the other'd think they'd have fixed this issue by now. 

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    Gerd Majer

    JumpDesktop is the better product. MS Remote is‘nt better... but with a non funtional mouse i can not work. and supports that are open for weeks... sorry... thats unprofessional!

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    Joe Gomez

    Seems like there's 0 response in these forums from support.  I'd hope they at least monitor and read these. I can only assume they're aware of the issue 

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    Gerd Majer

     @Joe @Gerd: What you're seeing is not a known issue. Can you please tell us more about this? 

    i will start an new thread for this..

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    Joe Gomez

    Gerd posted a video that looks similar to the issue I'm having.  Essentially I can't focus the cursor on things that I'm trying to point to.  The mouse seems to slip and slide away in the wrong direction.  I believe in fullscreen mode it works fine

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    Gerd Majer

    Hello Gomez

    ohh, cool... never realize that... right, the mouse error is only in windowed mode, not in the fullscreen mode.

    It still a pain in the ass because i have to switch very often between the sessions and the fullscreen-mode can not be the only useable mode.

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    Jump Desktop Support

    @Gerd: Can you try this:  Open up Jump Desktop -> Preferences -> Panning. Make sure it's set to "only when the pointer reaches an edge". Let me know if that makes a difference.

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    Joe Gomez

    Yeah I just discovered full screen mode works ok this morning.  A solution was posted here


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    Gerd Majer

    Perfect!! Problem solved!!  So i now can move all my stuff back to JumpDesktop.

    But a real support forum with tickets would do the project very well.
    Then it would not have taken so long here.

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    Jump Desktop Support

    @Gerd Really sorry you had to wait so long for this. We do have a help desk with tickets: just click the 'Submit a request' link or send an email to - a ticket will be created and assigned to a support personnel.

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