Sonoma and Mutliple Display Lag



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    Brian McCauley

    Following.  I've been having the same issues since I updated to Sonoma and I thought it was my monitors.  This makes more sense. 

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    Jump Desktop Support

    Hi there,

    We’ve been tracking this issue on our side and have been speaking with Apple about it. We’re wondering if the community can help us with this one. Apple said that they could not reproduce the problem on an M1 MacBook with the example app we gave them. If anyone here is experienced with Xcode and can run a sample project on their M2 or M3 machine, reproduce the problem, and post here, it would help ensure that we’re not the only ones who can reproduce the issue on our side.

    1. Here is the Xcode project file that reproduces the problem when ‘Displays in Separate Spaces’ is turned off in Sonoma on an M2 or M3 Mac: XCode Project To Reproduce Refresh Bug

    2. Here is a video of the issue - the two color windows should be moving in sync: Video of Sonoma Refresh Bug

    If you can build the Xcode project file, run it on your machine, and let us know if you can reproduce the issue, it would be really helpful.

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    Al Levine (Edited )

    I just ran the Xcode app and in full screen on my M2 Ultra Mac Studio running Sonoma 14.6 with multiple displays, the two sides would not stay in sync. Here's a video:

    Also hi Brian, I think we work in the same circle :)



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    Brian McCauley

    Ha!  We do!  Just realized you were the Sean McIlraith rec I reached out to a while back.  Hope all is well!

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    Ron Patane

    I've had a similar issue on a M2 Studio with Sonoma.  I've discovered a bizarre workaround which is if I run a google meet and share the jump desktop window the lag disappears.  I've used this workaround with different remote systems and it somehow solves the problem.  Not sure if that offers a clue as to what the issue is but would really like a better solution.

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    Jeremy Guthrie

    I can report my M3 Pro running Sonoma 14.6.1 has this issue.  Though I am able to reproduce it with the windows being anywhere on the screen, not with just one window off to the side.

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    Al Levine

    Curious if anybody has tried Jump on Sequoia (beta) and if this bug exists on that.

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    Brian McCauley

    Not yet.  Tap not updating first.

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    Jump Desktop Support

    Just an update we've been instructed to open up a feedback item with Apple. Incase anyone needs to follow up with Apple here it is: FB14945230 - Metal rendering  across multiple windows is inconsistent on macOS Sonoma

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    Jeremy Guthrie

    Do you have the link to how we get to comment on a feedback item?

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    Al Levine

    Great news! I just tested Jump on the macOS Sequoia Release Candidate (which is shipping next week), and it ran flawlessly. No issues at all, and the previous performance problem is completely gone.

    That said, since things could still change before the final release, I recommend keeping a backup if you plan to upgrade. But based on my experience, it’s running smoothly!

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    Michael Chaskes

    I think this is the same problem I've been experiencing on my Mac Mini M2 Pro, running Sonoma 14.4.1.  Video is laggy/choppy, and keyboard/mouse commands sometimes take several seconds before they execute.  I've had a ticket with Jump about this for months now.  (When I first discovered the problem, I resolved it by reverting back to an older Intel Mac I still owned, but with that device having just kicked the bucket last Friday, I now need to make things work on my newer machine.) At Jump's suggestion, I'm now running their beta version 9.0.33, but it didn't make any difference.

    Al, I'd love to try the "displays have separate spaces" setting you're talking about, but I can't find it anywhere.  Are you referring to the "Displays In Separate Windows" option under the Displays pulldown menu?  If so, I actually do have that enabled right now and it hasn't fixed the problem.

    I'm heartened by your experience with Sequoia, though.  A current colleague of mine reports that he runs Jump smoothly on his M2 Pro, which -- as your machine did until recently -- runs Ventura.  So it really does seem as though Sonoma is the culprit.  Could you please tell me how to get hold of Sequoia?  I found Apple's Beta tester signup page ( -- do I just go register there?  TIA!

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    Al Levine

    Sonoma is definitely the culprit, but it seems Sequoia has resolved the issue. Since Sequoia is being released on Monday, it might be worth waiting a few days rather than dealing with the current Beta versions.

    If you need to run Sonoma in the meantime, you can work around the issue by going to Settings > Desktop & Dock, then scrolling down to Mission Control. Toggle on "Displays have separate spaces" to fix the problem. Just keep in mind that this will place a menu bar and dock on every screen, which can be a bit annoying when using Jump.


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    Michael Chaskes

    Ah thank you!  I had thought you were referring to a Jump setting rather than a Mac setting.

    I actually start a new gig on Monday and will be using company-provided hardware, so this'll stop being problem for me at that point (at least until the next time I have to use my own gear).  I'll definitely upgrade to Sequoia at that point.

    Meanwhile, interestingly enough, I seem to have just inadvertently found a workaround of my own.  I had been using the Jump settings "Displays in Separate Windows" / Fullscreen, and while messing around just now, I took both windows out of fullscreen, changed to "Displays in Single Window," and then went to "Fullscreen On All Displays."  All of a sudden, and at least for the time being, the problem seems to have resolved.  This was just moments ago, so I don't know if this solution is durable, but I guess I'll find out.  If things go trashy again, I'll do the Mac Display settings tweak you suggested.  Thanks so much!

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    Dave Isser

    Chiming in a bit late, but I've been dealing with this delay in my left monitor only for the better part of 9 months. Running Sonoma on a Mac Studio, M2 chip. I just tried this solution that Michael just suggested, i.e. Full screen off // Displays in Single Window // Full Screen on, and miraculously my delay is gone! I can actually see what I'm typing now as I type it.

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    Al Levine

    I've been running Sequoia for two weeks now, and while it's working better than Sonoma I still get occasional laggy performance (similar to the original issue in Sonoma). My only fix has been to exit full screen mode and go back into it, which will typically trigger the app to start responding correctly. Ugh.

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    Michael Chaskes

    Al, have you tried using the Jump setting "Displays in Single Window" (assuming you've been using "Displays in Separate Windows")?  I discovered that it helps, at least in Sonoma.

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    Al Levine

    Yes, thank you! But because I'm using 3 monitors (and only 2 on Jump) it spans all 3 monitors and looks ridiculous :) 

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