Option to password protect Jump Desktop Settings
Every remote access software I've worked with provides an option to password protect the settings to prevent a user from modifying key settings such as the device name or from hitting the uninstall button. Does Jump Desktop Connect require a user to have system admin privileges to make settings changes? Because I've not been prompted in launching the app. Otherwise, a password protect option should be implemented within the settings dialog.
Hi, Thank you for reaching out to us.
At this time, there isn’t an option to password-protect Jump Desktop Connect settings. However, there is an alternative workaround to restrict changes to these settings.
If you’re using Jump Desktop for Teams, you can disable 'Local Configuration Changes' in the Connect settings through your Teams dashboard. Once this setting is disabled, users on the remote machine won’t be able to make changes to Jump Desktop Connect settings locally.
For more detailed instructions on managing Connect settings, please refer to this helpful article: https://support.jumpdesktop.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052860631-Manage-Connect-Settings
Thanks -
I'm not a Teams user nor would my level of deployment call for it. But for those us managing family machines with curious kids, for example, would benefit and appreciate an option to protect the local settings dialog by either requiring admin authorization from the OS or a dialog password protection option. Neither of which should really be difficult to implement?
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