Version for Android 11?



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    David Smaglick (Broken Timbers Honey) (Edited )

    Unfortunately they haven't updated the Android app since July of 2018. With the latest Android update, I can no longer view any of the computers remotely. Seems the IOS app gets more attention.

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    Is there any Android dev working or is the project obsolete (meaning no further improvements). At least keeping pace with the functionalities of the iOS counterpart would be very much appreciated (ie. configuration options whilst running a session).

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    Jeff Parrish

    I sent support an email and they have chosen to not support android and have removed it from the play store.

    I am sorry we have pulled Jump Desktop for Android and are no longer offering this connectivity.
    We may re-introduce the app in the future however at present we are not supporting the app anymore.
    Sorry about that.

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    Steven Morris

    well it would be nice if they removed the link from their support documents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    Especially when it is tagged as being updated 1 day ago. 🤬

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