Mac: How do I send Function keys to the remote computer (F1, F2 ..., F12)?




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    Ben Clewett

    I have a USB keyboard with no 'Fn' button.  Therefore I cannot use the function keys.  When connecting to a Windows PC I want the function keys on my keyboard to work as function keys, not change the brightness of my Mac etc.  I can't find an option to do this which seems a bit odd.  Thanks!

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    Jump Desktop Support (Edited )

    @Ben - Sorry. I didn't realize you had function keys on your keyboard - I thought you had a keyboard that didn't have function keys. In this case, the function keys should work - you just need just need to enable this in your Mac's settings: System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard -> CHECK User F1, F2 etc. keys as standard function keys.

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    Ben Clewett

    Thanks, that's working.


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