Although Jump Desktop is fully compatible with macOS Catalina, there are some important things you should know before upgrading from earlier versions of macOS:
macOS Catalina now requires apps to ask for Screen Recording permission before they can start recording your screen. After installing Catalina, you'll be required to give Jump Desktop Connect permission to record your screen. Unfortunately, this permission can not be granted in advance. You have to be physically present at the computer to allow Screen Recording permissions to Jump Desktop Connect. For this reason, we recommend to not upgrade to Catalina when connected remotely. Make sure you have physical access to the machine before you update to Catalina. If you have no choice but to update it remotely, make sure you have enabled Jump's VNC support (see below).
Once you update to Catalina, Jump Desktop Connect (6.2.47+) will automatically prompt you to give permission if it detects that it doesn't have the required permission. To give permissions manually open up System Preferences -> Security -> Privacy -> Screen Recording and make sure Jump Desktop Connect is checked.
Troubleshooting: If you're having trouble with keyboard and mouse input after updating to Catalina please see this help article:
How to update to Catalina remotely if you don't have physical access to the machine:
You can enable Jump's VNC support and use the built-in Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) server to connect to the computer for the upgrade. The built in ARD server already has Screen Recording permissions, so you don't need to grant it again. Once you've upgraded you can use ARD to allow Jump Desktop Connect Screen Recording permission remotely.
Follow these steps BEFORE updating to Catalina:
- Turn on Connect's VNC support: Open up Jump Desktop Connect -> Click the Settings icon and then click Advanced and make sure VNC is checked. When you do this, you'll see a new dark blue icon for your Mac in Jump.
- Disconnect from the server and connect to your Mac using the new dark blue icon. Once you've made sure you can connect, start the upgrade to Catalina.
- When the upgrade is complete, reconnect to the computer using the dark blue icon and give Jump Desktop Connect Screen Recording permission (you should be automatically prompted to give this permission).
- Finally disconnect from the computer and try connecting using your old icon for the connection. While connected make sure mouse and keyboard input work correctly. If keyboard and mouse input do not work correctly, please see this help article:
- When you've verified you can use the the old icon you can disable Connect's VNC support by opening up Connect on the remote computer, click the settings icon, click Advanced and make sure 'VNC' is unchecked. Then delete the dark blue icon from Jump on your local machine.
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