How do I uninstall Jump Desktop Connect from my system?




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    Craig Mihalko

    I uninstall the clint, but I can't uninstall the program, in does;t show in applications but it is still on launchpad?

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    Hare Shyam (Edited )

    I have also got this similar error in my systems as well. It may contain like Epson Error 0x97 that must be modified by the users to access the systems in a proper manner.

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    Maxwell White

    I was able to remove it by removing the folder here: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/JumpAudio.driver

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    Anysitesolutions Support

    Yeah... but if Jump Desktop Connect won't even open - what then!!??

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    David Blythe

    These instructions do not work, unfortunately.  Jump Desktop Connect does not open as a traditional application and only has a status icon at the top right of the screen.

    To the staff or volunteers monitoring this page:  Please walk through the recommended steps yourself and update the instructions to match what users are seeing in the field.  You may find a disconnect between the steps shown above and what is actually needed.  As I read these comments I began to worry that this was the case, and sure enough, it is.  


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    David Blythe

    Lastly, to the managers or volunteer managers who are responsible for ensuring these pages are helpful to the user base (think "brand or organizational reputation"), it's wise to follow the page metrics embedded in your site.  Under half of the users who have visited this question have found it satisfactory.  Direct user feedback in this form is a blessing from metric-driven, quantitative analysis approach, so I would strongly recommend using when flagging (or even prioritizing) pages for review.  As you grow in your career, you may find that other organizations do not have such immediate feedback, and you have to dig into your site's data and perform some not-so-fun traffic analysis to reach the same conclusions you're given so readily here.  Take advantage of it, otherwise you send a very overt message that institutionally you don't care about the users and their needs, which directly affects the category listed at the beginning of this post.


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