Group billing streamlines finances by enabling different Jump Desktop Teams in an organisation to use one billing account. It consolidates all expenses into a single invoice, removes duplicate charges for users in multiple teams, and eliminates the need for separate team billing, making the process simpler and more cost-effective. Multiple groups for billing can be created as per the organisation's needs.
Benefits of Group Billing in Multi-Team Environments
- Consolidated Billing: By enabling multiple teams to share a common billing account, the organization receives a single invoice. This simplifies the accounting process, making it easier to track expenses and payments. If a user is part of multiple teams within the group, they are only counted once for billing purposes. This prevents the organization from being overcharged for users who contribute to multiple teams.
- Administrative Flexibility: The parent team, or the team in charge of the group, has the flexibility to manage the billing for all included teams. This includes the ability to choose between different plan options (Teams Pro or Teams Enterprise) and adjust the group composition by adding or removing teams.
- Local Control for Child Teams: Despite the centralized billing, child teams (teams within the group but not in charge of billing) maintain autonomy over their specific settings, including user management and team-specific configurations. This balance ensures that while financial management is streamlined, operational independence is preserved.
Group Billing Participation Criteria
Here are the essential conditions for teams to join or lead in group billing.
Establishing a Team as the Parent in Group Billing
For a team to take on the role of a parent in group billing, it must fulfill these requirements:
- Active Billing: The team must have an active billing account. This signifies the team's readiness and capability to manage the financial responsibilities of the entire group.
- Permanent Status: A parent team cannot be marked for deletion. This ensures the stability and continuity of the group billing arrangement, as the parent team is central to the group's billing management.
- Dependent Delinking: Before a parent team can cancel its billing or be scheduled for deletion, it must first delink any associated child teams. This ensures that child teams are not left without a billing structure and can either find a new group or establish their own individual billing.
Adding a Team to Group Billing
To include a team in a group billing setup, the team must meet the following criteria:
- Admin rights: The admin of the parent team must also be an admin on the child team to be able to perform the linking operation
- Inactive Individual Billing: The team must not have any active individual billing plan in place. In case of an existing team, their individual billing plan should be cancelled in order for that team to become a part of group billing. This ensures that there are no conflicting billing processes once the team becomes part of the group billing.
- Exclusive Membership: The team should not be a part of another group (child or parent) billing arrangement. A team can only belong to one group billing setup at a time to maintain clear financial accountability and management.
- Non-Deletion Status: The team should not be in the process of being deleted
Step-by-Step Guide: Adding and Removing Teams from Group Billing
Adding a team to Group Billing
- Select the team you want to make the parent team
- Go to the parent team's billing page
- You will be shown options of teams eligible to be added as a child team
- Click the button to add the team to the group
The billing page of the child team, Beta, shows that its billing is being managed by the parent team, Alpha.
Removing a team from Group Billing
- Go to the parent team's billing page
- Click the button to remove the team from the group
Child teams will have the subscription properties of the Parent team of the group
The Parent team of the group will determine the subscription properties for all the child teams. For example, if the parent team is on an annual billing plan then all the child teams will be on an annual billing plan. Another example; if the parent team is subscribed to the Teams Enterprise plan then all child teams will also be subscribed to the Teams Enterprise plan.
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