Jump Desktop 4.0 for Mac and later has the ability to import and export your connection lists. Click on Jump Desktop -> File -> Export / Import.
You can import .rdp or .jdz files into Jump Desktop.
Exported files have the jdz file format. You can share the same jdz file with the iOS version of Jump Desktop by mailing (or sharing the file) to yourself and then opening the jdz file using the Jump iOS app.
jdz files are simple zip archives which contain jump files. Each jump file is a simple JSON text file which describes one connection. If you want to see whats in a jdz file, rename the extension to .zip and uncompress to see the jump files contained within. Click here for more information about Jump Desktop's file formats.
FYI, I found my archive file in:
Was hoping to write a quick script to import a ton of .rdp files from Cord.
Keith, did you manage to write a script to port from CoRD in the end? I know you posted your comment 7 months ago but worth a try!
I too need a way to import all of my Cord servers into Jump, looking forward to an answer,
Just a quick update on this:
1. In our upcoming version 3.5 of JD Mac, we're moving to text based json files for configuration. This will let advanced users create scripts to add / remove servers.
2. We're going to provide a way to convert *.RDP files into our internal JSON form via an 'Import...' option.
Are JSON config files still planned? I just installed 4.0.1 BETA and the "jdz" export still looks binary.
@Roan - Jump has moved to JSON files. The jdz is just a zip file. If you rename the extension to .zip and uncompress it, you'll see a directory of .jump files (all JSON).
Cool. Thanks.
@KWL - If you want to import RDP files into Jump Desktop just click File -> Import and select the RDP files you want to import.
Are there any plans to allow windows computer to import rdp files so remote apps can be used with JumpDesktop?
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