Starting from Jump Desktop for Mac 8.8.16, you can now disable certain password features by pushing out NSUserDefaults via MDM.
The following NSUSerDefault options are supported are supported:
disableSavePassword If this is set to true, this disables the 'Save Password' checkbox when connecting to computers so that users can not save their machine credentials locally.
disableSendPassword If this is set to true, this disables the 'Send Password' option in the 'Remote' menu.
Examples on how to set NSUserDefaults from the command line:
For Web Version:
defaults write com.p5sys.jump.mac.viewer.web disableSendPassword -bool true
defaults write com.p5sys.jump.mac.viewer.web disableSavePassword -bool trueFor Mac App Store Version:
defaults write com.p5sys.jump.mac.viewer disableSendPassword -bool true
defaults write com.p5sys.jump.mac.viewer disableSavePassword -bool true
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